Beyond The Virus?...

I thought you might find it useful if I shared my thoughts on where I think we’re at with the virus and how it’s relating to your money.  We take our responsibility for looking after your money VERY seriously and I’ll never lose sight of how you might be feeling about things at the moment.  It’s SCARY!

A few weeks ago, I took a leap and decided to do a video for you.  Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to do another one!  Actually, it WASN’T due to popular demand but I thought I’d do one anyway!  Don’t worry, it’s short but I really want you to know that we care about you and how you might be feeling.

As I always say, please do get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns or even if you just want to have a chat.  Sometimes, the process of simply talking through one’s thoughts can be a useful thing to do, even if it’s with me!

Very best wishes for now…
