Corona… Putting Things in Context…

I’ve never fancied myself as a movie star and, in this little video, you’ll see why!  That said, I wanted to make this little video to tell you what I think’s going on in the investment world at the moment and to, hopefully, offer you a crumb of reassurance.

My apologies if it’s not the most polished effort you’ve ever seen (unfortunately Steven Spielberg wouldn’t return my calls!) but I can assure you it comes from the heart and, what it lacks in veneer, hopefully, it makes up in sincerity!

These are certainly VERY weird times and we’ve no idea when it’s all going to end.  If you’re anything like me, you’ll be pretty scared about things.  That said, I’ve always had a positive outlook on life and I genuinely believe we’ll come out of this horror show stronger and in one piece.

I hope you enjoy the video and, as I always say, if you have any questions or if you want to get in touch with us, please feel free to do so.  I probably don’t have the answers but I can certainly offer you support and a relatively intelligent ear.

Best wishes for now and I’ll be in touch soon…
