Thinking about retirement could be a daunting prospect for you. Your workings life has provided a basis for security, routine and reassurance. It’s not surprising that retirement can seem to be a threat to this.
As financial planners, of course, we need to take care of the money. We need to make sure that your financial arrangements are sound, sufficiently flexible and expose you to the amount of risk that is right for you. This is the basics, the foundation.
There is, however, far more to what we do. We want to understand what is important to you…… truly important and it is rarely just the money. We want to help you discover what you love, what you would like to do with your retirement and how you can achieve that.We’ve put together a book called ‘100 Fun Things To Do In Retirement’. It throws out a bunch of fun things that clients have told they want to do and it also has some ideas of our own!!! It’s fun, retirement should be fun!!!
So, don’t be intimidated by retirement. Embrace it for what it is. An opportunity to fulfil some of your dreams. Some of the things you have never had the chance to do. Seize the chance to have a more meaningful and ‘fun’ time!!!